Bez Ž nije u fulu: (Ž)energetska tranzicija
Meet our friend Zora from Dubona, who says that energy transition must be smarter – everywhere, and that means making it more a #WomenergyTransition!
Partnerships for Resilience
Meet our friend Zora from Dubona, who says that energy transition must be smarter – everywhere, and that means making it more a #WomenergyTransition!
Aleksandar Macura, Programski Direktor RES fondacije je 22. januara 2021. godine uzeo učešće u javnim konsultacijama o javnom uvidu u Nacrt plana kvaliteta vazduha u aglomeraciji Beograd. Javne konsultacije su…
Tanja Popovicki, programska menadžerka u RES fondaciji, učestvovala je u izradi video materijala “ŽENA – lice ekološkog pokreta”, kao deo e-obuke koju realizuju Mladi istraživači Srbije u okviru programa “EKO-SISTEM…
Kako staviti pitanje urodnjavanja energetskih politika na dnevni red i zašto je to važno?
January 2021-December 2021 The Smarter Stoves Partnership project contributes to the reduction of CO2 and black carbon emissions from individual devices for residential heating in households across the Western Balkans…