Heinrich Boell Stiftung, organized the discussion “Western Balkans and Ukraine: EU’s role in Modernization through higher Climate Ambition” held on 22. November, at the European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium.
Aleksandar Macura, co-founder and program director of the RES foundation shared his thoughts on Energy Community, EU Accession and Energy Sector Reforms. Other participants in the discussion were, Visar Azemi (Balkan Green Foundation, Prishtina), Mirjana Jovanovic (Belgrade Open School, Belgrade), Denis Zisko (Center for Ecology and Environment, Tuzla), Burim Ejupi (Institute for Development Policy, Prishtina), Janez Kopac (Energy Community Secretariat, Vienna), Iryna Holovko (Ecoaction, Kyiv) and Colin Wolfe (European Commission, DG NEAR, Brussels).
Link to Aleksandar’s contribution you may find in the text above while the entire discussion video you can find on this link.