Frequent are situations in which humanity has developed technological solutions that are better, more efficient, and whose ownership costs less than the existing devices during their lifetime. When we determine that the availability of those solutions is large enough, we decide to narrow the choice for customers: we introduce requirements and prohibit the sale of solutions whose characteristics are below the lower limit of acceptable. With public policy, we limit private choices for the sake of the hope of realizing the public good. Standards are an important civilizational legacy and contribute to the survival and betterment of human society.

Eco-design requirements are technical regulations that prescribe the protection of the public interest by prescribing essential requirements. The manufacturer is obliged to, in accordance with the requirements of the technical regulation, ensure that the product he puts on the market is designed and manufactured in accordance with the prescribed requirements, the importer is obliged to, in accordance with the requirements of the technical regulation, put on the market only products that comply with the prescribed requirements, and the distributor to check, before delivering the product on the market, that the product is marked with the prescribed mark of conformity, i.e. with other prescribed markings and data.

In our latest policy brief, read what the eco-design requirements are for air conditioners, stoves, ovens and solid fuel boilers in the Republic of Serbia, and why it is important to us.

Cold, but standard