RES Foundation part of the UN Global Compact Initiative
In January this year RES Foundation joined the Serbian branch of the United Nations Global Compact, the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative.
Partnerships for Resilience
In January this year RES Foundation joined the Serbian branch of the United Nations Global Compact, the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative.
June 2015 – April 2016 The European Climate Foundation (ECF) aims to foster the transition to a low-carbon society in Europe. RES Foundation is recognized as a valuable partner who…
May 2015 – December 2015 RES Foundation with the support of Heinrich Böll Foundation has executed the project called Monitoring Of Climate Policy In Serbia – “Quantifying Unintentional Abatement Costs…
Energetska unija (EnU) je jedan od najvećih političkih prioriteta Evropske unije (EU). EnU je mehanizam koji treba da smanji evropsku zavisnost od fosilnih goriva, omogućavajući slobodan protok energije u jedinstvenom…
Zaključcima Evropskog saveta u oblasti klimatske i energetske politike do 2030, usvojenim 24. oktobra 2014. godine, uspostavljen je novi Okvir klimatske i energetske politike EU do 2030. Proces usvajanja novog…
Institucionalna izvodljivost održive energetske politike u Srbiji – Studija slučaja politike energetske efikasnosti Celu studiju možete preuzeti ovde:
The purpose of this paper is to calculate the unit costs of abated CO2 emissions from Serbian power sector in 2014. 54 different unit costs have been calculated as results…