Energy for tomorrow!
Citizens seem to be ready for more environmentally friendly development. According to the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) 73% of citizens in the South East Europe region believe that climate change…
Partnerships for Resilience
Citizens seem to be ready for more environmentally friendly development. According to the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) 73% of citizens in the South East Europe region believe that climate change…
PERSPECTIVES – Political analysis and commentary, Issue 2, June 2018 This issue of Perspectives is dedicated to climate change mitigation in the Western Balkans, because of both the global need…
Tačnost informacija značajno povećava verovatnoću donošenja dobre odluke. Kada su u pitanju odluke sa snažnim uticajem na javni interes ova tačnost mora sve da nas interesuje. Ako su u pitanju…
Solarne pozdrave uz dobru energiju šalju vam Mreža dobre energije i RES fondacija. SUNCOKRENI SE – OKRENIMO SE SUNCU!
Obišli smo pun krug, te je, shodno tome, vreme da sumiramo utiske sa našeg skorašnjeg solarnog putovanja. I priznajemo, može se opravdano zaključiti da su dobra energija i dobre ideje…
District heating provision in Serbia can be beneficial for all the interested parties. Investors and the owners of the companies which provide this service can make a sustainable profit. It…
Izveštaj iz senke za poglavlje 27 – Životna sredina i klimatske promene Izveštaj Poglavlje 27 u Srbiji: Izveštaj o (ne)napretku je peti godišnji izveštaj Koalicije 27 koji prati objavu godišnjeg…