Građani Srbije, kao i celog Balkana, nalaze se “između dve vatre” – “male” i “velike”. Pri tome, ono što nastojimo da izbegnemo nije udarac loptom sa jedne (male) ili druge (velike) strane, već “udarci” male i velike vatre koji zagađuju životnu sredinu, ugrožavaju zdravlje građana, pa i prazne njihove džepove.

Mnogima od nas je “dogorelo” da živimo u konstantnoj brizi da nas jedna od ovih vatri ne opeče do te mere da je opekotine nemoguće sanirati, a ožiljke nemoguće izbeći. Upravo iz ovog razloga, konferencija će se baviti pitanjem kako da, umesto izbegavanja lopte, izbegnemo zagađenje vazduha?


The citizens of Serbia, as well as the entire Balkan region, are playing a game of dodgeball, caught between “team households” and “team electricity”. That being said, what we’re trying to dodge is not either a ‘shot’ from the first or the second team, but ‘shots’ from both sides/teams that pollute the environment, endanger the health of citizens, and cost money, as well.

Many of us are “burned out” by living in fear that one of these fireballs will leave us scalded to an untreatable degree. That is why we will deal with the matter of avoiding air pollution, instead of dodging the fireball.